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GCC2019 CollaborationFest: Core and Encore


2019 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2019)

Freiburg, Germany, 1-6 July 2019

Conference book

Issue #758 workaround


GCC2019 will finish with CollaborationFest, a 2 (or 4) day collaborative work event where our community gathers to contribute code, documentation, training materials, and challenging analysis problems and use cases. If you are interested in learning and contributing in an intensely collaborative environment, then CollaborationFest is for you.

Preparing for CoFest

  • Add or expand the cluster ideas document (coming))
  • Add an introduction and indicate your preferred working clusters (coming)
  • Ask questions on the Conference gitter channel

Core and Encore

CoFest is split in half again this year:

CollaborationFest: Core: Friday & Saturday

There will be lots of collaborative work, but also lots of learning about projects and software. This will be the larger of the two stages. All you need to attend this is an interest and willingness to contribute.

CollaborationFest: Encore: Sunday & Monday

The smaller (and dare we say more intense) of the two stages, these two days will focus on collaboration, collaboration, collaboration.

Galaxy-Dev and Galaxy-DAT

CollaborationFest will have two tracks that will meet both jointly and separately:

  • Galaxy development (Galaxy Dev): Learn how Galaxy and Galaxy code development works, and contribute to the Galaxy code base
  • Galaxy documentation, analysis, and training (Galaxy DAT): Focus on expanding Galaxy community resources like training materials and documentation.

These communities will be fluid and highly interactive with each other. There will be a joint gathering of all communities at least once a day.

Event goals, and who should attend

Anyone interested in expanding and improving the Galaxy ecosystem is encouraged to attend. Newcomers are especially encouraged to attend.

The goal of many collaborative work events is to produce code, period. CollaborationFest's goals are much wider:

  1. Grow and foster the contributor community for Galaxy.
  2. Extend, enhance, and otherwise improve Galaxy code.
  3. Create, extend, and otherwise improve non-code objects, such as documentation and training materials.

Cluster early, cluster often

Clusters are groups of CollaborationFest participants that coalesce around shared interests and they address common challenges related to those interests. Clusters form before, at the beginning of, and throughout CollaborationFest. In fact, CollaborationFest can be thought of as a two (or four) day jam of Brownian motion where clusters form, interact, and exchange ideas and members with each other.

Please note that many clusters will form during CollaborationFest. We encourage that.


CollaborationFest is free, for all 4 days. You still need to register (and select either 2 or 4 days). You will need to cover some, and possibly all, of your meal expenses. Organizers will provide coffee / beverages throughout. We will attempt to get funding for as many lunches as possible.


See the Venue page


Childcare may or may not be available during CoFest:Core. We will post news here as soon as we know.

Childcare won't be available during CoFest:Encore.

CollaborationFest Organizers

Contact us at

CollaborationFest Sponsors

Giga Sponsors

ELIXIR: uniting Europe’s leading life science organisations

CollaborationFest Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in helping make this event happen? See the sponsorship page for options.