Galaxy Platform Directory: Servers, Clouds, and Deployable Resources

125+ platforms to use Galaxy on

This directory lists platforms where you can use or deploy your own Galaxy Server with minimal effort.

  • Almost all of them are free to use (Commercial clouds are the exception)
  • Almost all of them are open to everyone (Academic clouds are the exception).
  • All of the resources can be used, either immediately, or shortly after getting an account.

These resources cover a wide spectrum of domains all across life sciences. There are resources for genomics (lots of them), metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, drug discovery and even some outside biology like natural language processing (a couple of them), and social science.

About This Directory

The Galaxy Community has created Galaxy instances in many different forms and for many different applications. This directory lists the options we know about, including:

  • Galaxy servers,
  • cloud services that support Galaxy instances, and
  • virtual machines and containers that can be easily deployed for your own server.

Which Platform / Platform Type to Choose?

Your choices depends upon your needs. If you want to use Galaxy with a minimum of setup work, then try starting with a UseGalaxy orPublic Server. There are over 125 of these platforms to pcik from all of which can be use with little or no setup on your part. However if none of those meet your needs then here are some guidelines for other cases.

UseGalaxy Servers Public Servers TIaaS Academic Clouds Commercial Clouds Containers VMs Local
Free to use Yes Yes Yes Yes1 No Yes Yes Yes
Uses your local compute infrastructure No No No No No Yes2 Yes2 Yes
Datasets total > 250GB (including intermediate) No ?5 Yes Yes Yes Yes3 Yes3 Yes
Computational requirements are similarly large No ?5 Yes Yes Yes Yes3 Yes3 Yes
Share Galaxy objects outside your organization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes4 Yes4 Yes5
Install custom tools and reference genomces No No No Yes5 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Have absolute data security requirements No No No ?5 ?5 ?5 ?5 Yes

1 Depends on provider, and if you are eligible for the service
2 These technologies can be deployed on clouds or locally.
3 Depends on the size of the system you are running it on.
4 With these technologies you can save the server and share the entire platform with them.
5 Depends on configuration.

Most of these platform types are defined above (click on each tab), but two aren't:


Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS) is a service offered by some UseGalaxy servers to specifically support training use cases. See TIaaS for more information.


Finally, you can install your own local instance of Galaxy from scratch. See Get Galaxy for details on how to do this. This has become much easier to do in recent years.

Resource Keywords

Each resource has a set of keywords associated with them.

Real keywords

(What about listing these by the resource's domain, for example, the research methodology (e.g., RNA-Seq), the clade (e.g., crops), or field e.g., metagenomics) that a resource is targeted at? We are working on it.)


Initially, there is only one keyword per resource and that defines the scope of the resource:


UseGalaxy servers implement a common core set of tools and reference genomes, and are open to anyone to use.


These servers implement a broad range of tools and aren't specific to any part of the tree of life, or to any type of analysis.


Domain resources specialize in either a particular branch of the tree of life or in particular types of analysis. Within their specializations, domain resources offer a wide variety of tools.

Tool Publishing

Tool publishing resources make tools easily available so that researchers can use them without having to install and use command line versions. The distinction between domain resources and tool publishing resources is fuzzy. In general, tool publishing resources expose tools from a particular organization, while domain resources include tools / datasets from other organizations and have a larger goal in mind.

Add a resource to this directory

If you maintain a Galaxy resource that can be listed on this directory, then please describe your Galaxy resource here. We'll contact you with any question and then post it this directory.