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2017 Hacktoberfest


What do fall foliage, pumpkin beer, and Halloween have in common? October! Or, we should say Hacktoberfest. From Oct 1st through Oct 31st, Hacktoberfest is a celebration of open source coding organized by Digital Ocean and GitHub. This is a great opportunity to get involved with a project and get some help along the way. Plus, if you issue 4 pull request during the month, you get a limited edition t-shirt! Any project on GitHub can participate simply by creating and tagging issues with Hacktoberfest tag. If you'd like to participate on a Galaxy-related project, check out the suggested topics below. The suggested topics are grouped by their Github repository.


Please see the list of good first issues.


CloudBridge is a Python library for interfacing with multiple cloud providers through a single API. Implementations for AWS and OpenStack exist while GCE and Azure are coming. The following will help make the library more robust and usable.


CloudLaunch is an application for discovering and launching applications across multiple cloud providers. Any application can be added with a custom interface and custom launch/check logic. Check the following issues to help. Thanks!