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1000th Galaxy CiteULike Paper

Galaxy CiteULike Group

The 1000th Galaxy-related paper was added to the Galaxy CiteULike group today. That paper was:

"HvLUX1 is a candidate gene underlying the early maturity 10 locus in barley: phylogeny, diversity, and interactions with the circadian clock and photoperiodic pathways" by Chiara Campoli, Artem Pankin, Benedikt Drosse, Cristina M. Casao, Seth J. Davis, Maria von Korff; New Phytologist (1 June 2013)

The authors used the Wageningen University public Galaxy server, and the paper includes a full explanation of their analysis methods. To top it all off, the paper is open access. It was given the methods and usepublic tags.

Each paper in the group is tagged to indicate how it is related to Galaxy. The first 1000 papers are tagged with:

# Tag # Tag # Tag
502 methods 33 unknown 15 reproducibility
325 workbench 29 shared 9 uselocal*
49 isgalaxy 24 project 7 other
46 tools 23 howto 6 usepublic*
38 usemain* 18 cloud* 1 usecloud*

The Galaxy CiteULike group was launched 18 months ago. It continues to grow rapidly.

Dave Clements

* These tags were added in 2013 and very few papers before 2013 have been back-curated with them. All the tags are explained on the CiteULike page.