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Swiss German Galaxy Tour/Day 2016

2016 Swiss German Galaxy Tour
#SG2016T [#SG2016T](https://twitter.com/hashtag/SG2016T)

Issue #758 workaround

3rd Swiss Workshop
2nd German Developer Day

Issue #758 workaround

There will be a Swiss-German Galaxy Tour this fall featuring a range of events over 2 days in Freiburg (Germany) .


Registration is free, but space is limited on both days. We recommend you register soon to secure your spot for one or both days of the SG2016Tour.

**[Register Now](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mRO4uNXQd8jL1I9JNiQ4xd0fnrZKlQPQSORgJCpDeqg)**


When What Where
October 20th, Thursday 3rd Swiss Galaxy WorkshopTechnische Fakultät, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany
October 21st, Friday 2nd German Galaxy Developer workshop

The first day, October 20th, will start with talks, discussions and small demonstrations. This day will be problem / technology centric with small demonstrations and hands-on sessions. Everyone is expected to have their own computer. See the event's page for a list of topics and presenters.

The second day, October 21st, is a developers day with 3 to 4 hands-on sessions (1.5h). Every session will start with a 10 minute talk and theoretical introduction, followed by 1h of hacking and 20 minutes discussion and a small break until the next session begins. There are a few proposed and prepared topics but we are flexible so we can discover new areas of the Galaxy. See the event's page for a list of topics.

Technische Fakultät; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg


Technische Fakultät; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; Georges-Köhler-Allee 101


Contact Hans-Rudolf Hotz or Björn Grüning