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Introduction to Galaxy Workshop

Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center

January 8, 2016

Anton Nekrutenko, Galaxy Project, Penn State University

Location: Life Sciences E (LSE) 244, Tempe Main Campus

To participate fully, please bring a laptop.


   Registration is closed   

This workshop is free and open to anyone in the ASU community.


Are you a life scientist who needs to do complex analysis on large datasets?

Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for data intensive life science research that enables non-bioinformaticians to create, run, tune, and share their own bioinformatic analyses.

This hands-on workshop will teach participants how to integrate data, and perform simple and complex analysis within Galaxy. It will also cover data visualization and visual analytics, and how to share and reuse your bioinformatic analyses, all from within Galaxy.

No programming or Linux command line experience is required.


This workshop will introduce Galaxy and then demonstrate one or more detailed examples of using Galaxy in particular research domains.

Time Topic
9:00 Welcome
9:30 Introduction to and Overview of Galaxy
10:00 Variant and SNP Analysis
11:30 Lunch (catered)
1:00 RNA-Seq Analysis
2:30 Break
3:00 New Features | Adding Tools | Q&A
4:30 Wrap-up and socializing


The workshop will be hands-on. Please bring a fully charged, wifi-enabled laptop with a current version of Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari installed on it.

Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided


Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center

This workshop is supported by Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (BioKIC) of the Arizona State University, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). which funds the Galaxy Project.


  • Your feedback matters! We will ask for it at the end of the workshop.


Contact Nico Franz or Melissa A. Wilson Sayres at ASU, or Anton Nekrutenko of the Galaxy Project.