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2013-05-15 Web Meetup

[Galaxy](http://rnaseq.pathogenportal.org/) at [Pathogen Portal](http://pathogenportal.org)

Issue #758 workaround

Date May 15, 2013
Time 10 am Central US Time (-5 GMT)
Presentations Galaxy at Pathogen Portal
Andrew Warren, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Virginia Tech
Galaxy Project Update
Links Screencast, Slides
Pathogen Portal Galaxy

Andrew Warren of the Cyberinfrastructure Division of the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech talked about their experience deploying Galaxy for Pathogen Portal, a highly customized Galaxy installation, and also about the group's objectives and future plans.

Dannon Baker brought the group up to speed on what's happening in the Galaxy project.

Call Technology

We will use the University of Iowa's Blackboard system for the call. Downloading and launching the required Java application takes a few minutes. Using a headphone with microphone to prevent audio feedback during the call is recommended.