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Google Cloud Storage

A Galaxy admin can configure ObjectStore to persist data on a Google Cloud Storage. In the following, first we explain how to setup a bucket on the Google Cloud Storage, and then we discuss how to configure Galaxy ObjectStore to leverage that bucket.

Step 1/2: Configure Google Cloud Storage

In general, to setup Google Cloud Storage, you would first need to create a service accounts from Google Cloud Console and authorize it to read/write storage objects under your account, then obtain the necessary credentials that authorize Galaxy to assume the service account, and finally create a bucket for Galaxy. In order to do so, you may take the following steps:

Create a Service Account

  1. Go to console.cloud.google.com and login with your Google credentials. You will then be redirected to your dashboard on Google Cloud Platform:


  2. Go to service accounts page as shown in the following figure:


  3. Create a service account by clicking on the CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT button:


    This will create a service account under currently selected project (e.g., the first Test project as shown in our example figures). You can select a different project by clicking on the drop-down icon next to the currently selected project and choose a different project from the pop-up window.

  4. Fill in the required fields for the service account details, then click on the CREATE button.


  5. Grant the service account with permission to read/write objects in a bucket under your account (e.g., by assigning the Storage Admin role to the service account), then click on the CONTINUE button. See the following figure:


    You may refer to the roles documentation page for a complete list of roles and their permissions.

  6. On the service account page, click on the CREATE KEY button, then choose JSON, and then click on the CREATE button, and then click on the DONE button.


    This will create a private key and downloads a json file containing all the required information to access your Google cloud storage under your account.

Create a Bucket for Galaxy

  1. On the console page, click on the navigation menu button (), and go to Storage > Browse. See the following figure:


  2. On the Storage page, click on the CREATE BUCKET button, see the following figure:


    Note: in order to create a bucket, you would need to have an active subscription and have set-up payment options.

  3. On the create bucket page, enter the required fields, and note the bucket name, and then click on the Create button.


Step 2/2: Configure Galaxy ObjectStore

In order to setup Galaxy to persist data on a Google bucket, you may take the following steps:

  1. Enable Galaxy ObjectStore configuration by setting the following key on the config/galaxy.yml file (not config/galaxy.yml.sample):

    object_store_config_file: config/object_store_conf.xml

  2. Create the object_store_conf.xml file and set it as the following:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <object_store type="cloud" provider="google">
        <auth credentials_file="THE_PATH_TO_THE_JSON_FILE_YOU_OBTAINED_FROM_GOOGLE" />
        <bucket name="BUCKET_NAME" use_reduced_redundancy="False" />
        <cache path="database/object_store_cache" size="1000" />
        <extra_dir type="job_work" path="database/job_working_directory_gce"/>
        <extra_dir type="temp" path="database/tmp_gce"/>

    Note; the above configuration is the minimum set-up required for Galaxy to persist data on a Google bucket; for advanced options (e.g., defining a hierarchy of multiple backends) see Galaxy ObjectStore configuration page.

  3. Restart Galaxy for configuration to take place. At this point, any new dataset uploaded to Galaxy, or generated by Galaxy (as a result of tool/workflow execution) will be uploaded to the specified bucket. See the following figure:
