Issue #758 workaround
Key Dates
Issue #758 workaround

There is no better place than a Galaxy Community Conference to meet and learn from others doing high-throughput biology. GCC2014 will continue this tradition by again including Birds of a Feather (BoF) meetups. Birds of a Feather meetups are informal gatherings where participants group together based on common interests.
BoF meetups are encouraged throughout GCC2014. We particularly want to encourage BoFs that flock at the end of each day, when time and space have been allocated for them.
GCC2014 BoFs
BoF | Summary | Audience |
Doing the Branch, Release, and Merge Waltz | Branching and release management with regard to the existing instances which implement customized code within Galaxy. | Galaxy admins that have customized Galaxy code for their installation. |
GalaxyAdmins | The now annual in-person gathering of the GalaxyAdmins Community. | If you manage a Galaxy instance, then this BoF is for you. |
Galaxy End-Users | This session will serve as a platform for end-users to share experiences they feel will be useful or helpful to other end-users. | End-users or developers interested in what end-users have to say. |
Galaxy Training Network | A BoF for people who want to teach the use of Galaxy or use Galaxy as a bioinformatics training tool. Let's get together and talk about resource requirements, available learning material etc. | Anyone interested in using Galaxy for bioinformatics and related learning and teaching. People who need to support such activities. |
Using Galaxy with Heterogeneous and Remote Resources | We'll summarize recent efforts to enable Galaxy Main to send jobs to remote HPC resources (XSEDE) and invite others to share related experiences and requirements. We'll discuss a path to overcome challenges and better meet the needs of the research community. | |
Using Galaxy's Web Interface | Curious about the Galaxy web interface and available functions? Want a refresher about objects and terminology? Or perhaps are interested in learning about how the latest features fit into the bigger usage picture when performing analysis? Come join us! | End Users and those interested in common Galaxy usage, including developers supporting scientific teams |
BoF Support
The conference enables and encourages BoFs by
- Encouraging conference participants to organize BoFs
- Use this wiki page as a hub for BoFs at GCC2014.
- Promote BoFs to all conference participants, over and over, both before and during the conference
until everyone actually grows feathers. - Coordinate and reserve rooms for BoFs, and allocate time in the schedule for them too.
Questions? Contact the [Organizers](/src/events/gcc2014/organizers/
Issue #758 workaround