Galaxy for Ecology
Public server: | Ecology for Galaxy Server |
Scope: | Domain specific |
Summary: | A web platform to get, process, analyze and visualize ecological data |
- Get Ecological data: Get species occurrence data, protocoled data from Vigie-Nature, climatic data from Worldclim
- Graph / Display Ecological data: Compare sites
- Animal Detection on Acoustic Recordings: Tadarida-d (from wav file to features), Tadarida-c (from features to species), Tadarida data cleaner, Tadarida identification integration, Advanced restitution: raw approach, Advanced restitution: summary
- Phenology & Trend computation: Flight curve, Abundance index, Expected temporal trend, Model temporal trend, Autocorrelation test, Linear regression adjusted, Plot abundance
- GIS objects handling: GDAL Info, GDLA Translate, GDAL addo, GDAL Build VRT, GDAL Merge, GDAL Warp, OGR Info
- The public server is hosted by the team.
User Support
- Tutorials
- Workflows for phenology study and abundance index as trends computation through regionalGAM
- Gitter Support Channel
- Galaxy Help Forum
- Storage and computational quotas.
- Batut, B. et al. (2017) Community-driven data analysis training for biology. Cell Systems, Volume 6, Issue 6, P752-758.e1, June 27, 2018