September 2015 Galactic News
The September Galactic News is hot off the presses.
- The IUC Tools & Collections Hackathon will be September 17th and 18th online. Please join us.
- 97 new publications, including 7 highlighted ones in all 15 !CiteULike categories.
- And those 97 papers pushed the Galaxy CiteULike library past 2500 papers.
- August GalaxyAdmins Slides and Video
- Galaxy's Google Calendar is now two calendars
- Slides and video for the August GalaxyAdmins meetup are now available.
- 14 upcoming events in 5 countries on 3 continents in the next 2 months.
- Who's Hiring
- Three security advisories, Recent Releases, and ToolShed Contributions
Dave Clements and the Galaxy Team