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San Diego State University
Galaxy Workshops
January 15, 2015

9:00-11:00: Introductory
 1:30- 3:30: Advanced

Instructor: Dave Clements
Location TBD
San Diego State University
San Diego, California, United States

This workshop has been cancelled.


Registration is free and open to any member of the SDSU community. Space is limited, however, so registering now is highly encouraged.


Are you a life scientist who needs to do complex analysis on large datasets?

Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for data intensive life science research that enables non-bioinformaticians to create, run, tune, and share their own bioinformatic analyses.

This hands-on workshop will teach participants how to integrate data, and perform simple and complex analysis within Galaxy. It will also cover data visualization and visual analytics, and how to share and reuse your bioinformatic analyses, all from within Galaxy.

No programming or Linux command line experience is required.


There will be an introductory workshop in the morning, and an advanced workshop in the afternoon. You can register for either or both workshops.

Introductory Workshop: AM

Prerequisites: None.

Time Topic
9:00 Welcome
Introductions and logistics
9:10 Basic Analysis with Galaxy
Walk through a worked, hands-on example demonstrating basic analysis with Galaxy
10:45 Galaxy Project Overview
Introduction to Galaxy and the Galaxy
11:00 Done

Advanced Workshop: PM

Prerequisites: Experience with Galaxy, or attendance at the morning workshop.

1:00 Welcome
Introductions and logistics
1:40 Advanced Usage: RNA-Seq Example
Walk through a worked, hands-on example demonstrating RNA-Seq analysis with Galaxy
3:30 Done


The workshops are being held in TBD on the San Diego State University Campus.

Please bring a fully charged, wi-fi enabled laptop with you.

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Amazon Web Services


These workshops are generously supported by the Biological & Medical Informatics Research Center at San Diego State University, an AWS in Education grant award, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).



Contact [Biological & Medical Informatics](mailto:bmi AT mail DOT sdsu DOT edu) or [Galaxy Outreach](mailto:outreach AT galaxyproject DOT org).