[GCC2015 is done](http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/). *[GCC2018 is coming](https://gccbosc2018.sched.com).*
Issue #758 workaround
When: Tuesday, 7 July, 18:00
Where: Genome Seminar Room, in the nearby The Genome Analysis Center (TGAC)
Contact: Manuel Corpas, Frederik Coppens
As part of ELIXIR's efforts to understand Galaxy usage across Europe and globally we have set up a questionnaire with the objective to identify how Galaxy is used across different institutions. Regardless of national origin, any Galaxy community user or developer is welcome to fill it in.
Questionnaire results will be made public and fed into a recommendation that will influence the technical strategy across the ELIXIR pan-European bioinformatics infrastructure with regards the provision of Galaxy services and infrastructure nationally and internationally.
We would thus like to invite you to fill in this questionnaire by no later than 12pm (noon) BST on July 7th. Initial results will be discussed and presented while at the ELIXIR-Galaxy Workshop held at the Genome Seminar Room at the TGAC building (next door to the conference centre in the same Norwich Research Campus as the Galaxy Community Conference). Please add your name to this Google Doc if you are interested to attend.
See the BoF summary for suggestions from each breakout group.
Any group using or planning to use Galaxy.
When and Where
Tuesday, 7 July, 18:00 in the Genome Seminar Room, in the nearby The Genome Analysis Center
Who is Participating
Please add your name to this Google Doc if you are interested to attend.
Please contact Manuel Corpas and Frederic Coppens