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Galaxy @ ISMB/ECCB and BOSC 2011

BOSC 2011   ISMB/ECCB 2011
Galaxy will have a [strong presence at ISMB/ECCB 2011 and BOSC 2011](/src/events/ISMB-ECCB-BOSC 2011/index.md). There will be no less than * 3 BOSC talks * 2 ISMB workshops * 1 Proceedings Track talk * 5 Technology Track talks and * 3 Posters

either about Galaxy or featuring Galaxy. See the [Events/ISMB-ECCB-BOSC 2011](/src/events/ISMB-ECCB-BOSC 2011/index.md) page for a complete listing (and if it's not complete, please add your presentation).

One of the workshops, Genomics for Non-Model Organisms is organized by Galaxy and features 4 talks that use Galaxy (including a newly added talk by Marc Bras of INRA that uses Galaxy for SNP detection in grapevine).

Dave Clements